Refugees won’t plug German labor gap: Few refugees from Syria and other war zones have vocational training or a degree.

Yes focus your anger on the socialists. While you're distracted other parties will rob you instead. When it comes tumbling down it will be at the hands of every single party in the establishment. Right and left today are rather similar. Sure the right speaks out a lot against immigration and maybe under their rule there is a slight reduction in migrants. But they don't challenge multiculturalism directly, our N-VA party here in Belgium speaks out a lot against migrants yet they pull out 6 million (I think) a day to house refugees (and we're not even taking in that many). They also raised study costs which saved about 250-300 million. We already know where the money went, that's 50-100 days housing refugees. They make as extreme statements as possible to pander to voters while continuing to do what they have been doing for a long time.

After all our politicians have done, after all their lies and broken promises, people still take them for their word. They'll tell you whatever shit you like to hear. They'll use anything, any ideology or movement, to get what they want. Even human rights. Then they'll point at the 'others' and offer us their protection from those 'others'. Really what is the Right going to do? Increase surveillance? For me this is the equivalent of opening your gates for a Trojan horse indistinguishable from a thousand others. Then placing cameras everywhere in a desperate attempt to find out who the Trojan horse is.

Surveillance is a bandaid measure at best. It's not going to stop rapes, stabbings or muggings. As if the terrorism is the biggest problem concerning the migration. The chances you'll die in a terrorist attack are lower than being struck by lightening. The chances of being (sexually) assaulted are increasing every day. Are we going to track potential thugs based on their porn history now? We're asked to give up our privacy for a half-assed bandaid measure. Oh and they're putting soldiers on the streets, "trust us, we won't abuse it, we are not a police state." How can we trust them after all that happened?

Doesn't this whole circus come in handy for a particular group? They using a trick as old as the agricultural revolution. Provide the masses with a scapegoat to distract them then take what you can. And what better a distraction than a minority that attacks its host! This scapegoat is almost like an existential threat. I mean they needed something new. The thirty years war ruined the protestant/catholic trick, the Worlds Wars ruined the nationalism trick and the Nazi's put the final nail in the coffin for the classic European Jewish scapegoat trick. It's not as if our leader really care about the average Jew, those are fleeing Europe in droves. The left and the right need each other, they're each others scapegoats. They feed of each other like a symbiosis. They point at each other so people keep voting for the 'least worst' option to protect them from the "really bad party".

The root of the problem is not socialism, Islam or any religion, capitalism or communism. Those are just the symptoms (that might kill you though). Every single movement, religion, ideology, political party, institution ... is eventually corrupted into a twisted parody of itself. Both organically through echo chambers but the process is certainly stimulated by a certain kind of people profiting from its corruption. Let's make a list.

  • Liberalism - corrupted
  • Socialism - corrupted
  • Communism - corrupted
  • Black civil rights movement - corrupted
  • Feminism - corrupted
  • United Nations (Human Rights Council) - corrupted
  • Stupid random video game franchise - corrupted
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