Refusal to Sign an Evaluation

I did write my own evaluation. I have a Mentor who's been in a while, and he helped me write it, said it was good to go.

I honestly suspect it's a politics thing where my career is caught in the crossfire. Everyone in my direct CoC said I was good to go. I'm at a huge naval command, one of the biggest for my community, and I work in one of the smallest shops(30 or so sailors, average shope has double to triple this here). Couple this with the fact that I have unmotivated leadership(very literally my LPO did not go to the evaluation boards this year, or last) and I feel like the two E5s who went jsut got bulldozed in the open table with the over division LPOs and and Chiefs there.

We don't even have a Chief in my division, and haven't for the last 6 months. It feels like we're a abstard step-child division at a large command. So no Chief and no LPO willing to fight on your behalf(nor one that's respected as a go-getter in the Chief's mess) means we get stuck with what's left for evals, which, when you couple that with a command instruction to limit MPs for E4 and below and it feels like we just get fucked(And of course we would, why wouldn't those other lpos take the good evals for their guys? I'm not one of theirs, fuck me.).

Last year, literally everyone in my shop except one guy got a P. If I had picked up an MP for my first eval here, I would have promoted twice already by wide margins. This cycle I missed it by 1 with a P. 95th percentile, 74 points out of 80 for exam standard score.

I honestly feel like I'm doing everything I can to be good for the Navy. I'm an ACFL, A SAPR advocate, training PO, do base volunteer shit, and it just feels like I'm in a bad case of wrong place wrong time, and when I complain about it, I just get the old saw about that being "how it is."

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