Regarding Content Creators, Their Personal Views, and Those That Oppose Them

So, I don't follow the speedrunning community that much or the people in question, but is Ohrami actually a pedophile?

In his comments here, he denies this, as well as denies supporting the abuse of children, etc, and states that his view is solely that the possession (but not the production or distribution) of child pornography, should be legalized.

Besides the point that it's inaccurate to assume that just because he thinks that that that means he wants to view such images, it's wrong because (as he himself has pointed out) there are actually studies that indicate that in countries where possession was made legal, child abuse rates went DOWN, presumably from pedophiles being able to relieve their urges by viewing images rather then by abusing real kids. Looking at wikipedia, there's also some studies showing that the traditional views that people viewing such images are or will, turn into abusers doesn't hold up to scrutiny and that there's actually not that high a correlation between people who view the images and people who go out and abuse kids

I really, REALLY think it's an unfair criticism and accusation to make of him to call him a pedophile for merely pointing this out when it is possible that it would lead to less people abusing kids.

Furthermore, I think a distinction needs to be made between abusing pedophiles and non-offending pedophiles: Pedophiles who do not act on their urges and who don't abuse people should not be lumped in with those that do. It's unfair tto demonize them for something they can't control when they don't harm anybody. Wanting them to not be at events as a safety precaution is perhaps still warranted (I don't know if statistically non-offenders are any more at risk to rape or abuse people then non-pedophiles, though), but treating them with derision is unfair and unproductive: I know that in many places even pedophiles who don't want to hurt kids often can't find psychological help because merely admitting to it often leads to being reported to the police, and in places in Germany where more recognition between the distinction between offenders and non-offenders exists and there's a support framework for non-offenders, there's better success with treatment.

If there's some other statements by him or accusations levied against him that he's actually a pedophile or an abuser, then let me know, I admit maybe i'm out of the loop, but based on what i've seen I think that's an unfair criticism.

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