Regarding the Current Ban Wave

Today around 6:04am pst, I got perma banned for “manipulating ark skills” doing the morass daily “research lab defense”.

IGN: Spectralis World: Reboot

Sucks to be playing one of the most popular hacking classes I guess, but here’s what happened:

I was disconnected for “hacking” and I sent in a ticket. They responded and told me I was manipulating ark skills in the map Morass - lab under siege. Morass has a lot of hackers, so I thought I was probably just in a map that had a hacker or something. I tried googling the map but it didn’t exist. I then realized the map is from the morass daily “research lab defense”, where they put you in a special map and a set number of mobs spawn in stages. The mobs drop nothing and don’t even give exp. at this rate, you’ll probably get banned for afking at the outpost and manipulating skills, even though you can’t even use skills in that map.

Tl;dr don’t play ark don’t play kanna don’t play maplestory

/r/Maplestory Thread