Regarding the removal of /u/zjz and other moderators

If I had to play devil's advocate, I would guess that the admins were already aware and looking to remedy the situation, but it was going to take time to assess who was causing the actual fuckery. Meanwhile, the inflammatory posts by zjz weren't helping the overall situation and was undermining the legitimacy of the admins' decisions, whether they came to the correct conclusion or not.

It's not that he should never blow the whistle. It's about the timing. When things happen in rapid succession it's hard for the admins to analyze the situation as an outsider and know whether this person is whistle-blowing or just flinging shit. Whistle-blowing is good for a community. Shit-flinging isn't healthy for a large community.

Whether you're an admin or a user, what you want is the truth. You don't want to see a mass exodus from a community unless there's damn good reason. Full transparency all of the time is a recipe for disaster, since it's not hard for the smallest of gripes to foment into a shit-throwing competition all the way down. An announcement like "It's a coup! The mods are all gone! It's anarchy!" is not something that a mod should be doing until it's time to burn bridges. That's something that zjz should have done after it was clear behind the scenes that there would zero chance of reinstatement. Then we would be able to know beyond a doubt that the situation was rotten and it would be easy to follow zjz's banner to another sub. As it stands, it's hard to know whether their decision was truly right or wrong. Are people going to follow zjz anyway? Absolutely. But it won't have as big of an impact as people would want, and it would probably divide the WSB group into even smaller tribes.

So in essence, if zjz had been able to get the proper treatment that we all desired without speaking out and causing panic... that would have been ideal. I think that this is what the admins are focused on.

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