I regret becoming religious and the regret and Guilt is killing me

I’ve been an atheist and I’ve been religious in my life. And both times I was fully convinced of that choice (and by that I mean I knew that’s what I wanted). Here’s the deal:

If you feel uncomfortable with your spirituality, that’s totally normal. It’s incredibly stressful as well, I’m aware. But religion is kind of like country music (hear me out LOL). A lot of people like it, a lot of people don’t. That’s how it is with a lot of things in life. But liking country music, or liking religion, isn’t who you are. It’s a part of who you are. Like your favorite food or your favorite movie. Both of those things can change, but that’s totally fine. And liking country music is fine. And hey, if you feel like you decide country isn’t your thing, it’s always ok to stop listening to it (if you catch my drift).

I tried to explain that the best I could haha. Best of luck my friend!

/r/OCD Thread