i regret so much telling the school psychologist my problems

For me, the best 'therapy' has been venting to my spouse, who listens to me very intently, and at least 'gets' me as well. It helps that I can vent to him unfiltered. Unfortunately, that's all I can do, just tell him my problems. He can't really offer me much else except a shoulder to cry on.

With therapy, I've had to hold back on a lot partly because of fears of being judged (which many of them have), and also fears of being detained involuntarily. I don't feel like I've gotten much out of therapy, just therapists either condescending me or getting weirded out by my behavior and neurosis. I feel like a lot of my backstory and problems are just 'too much' for them, and they either just spout off the same platitudes I've heard dozens of times by most or they snidely tell me to "get over myself". It just feels like I'm sitting there, discussing myself to someone who's rolling their eyes the entire time. I've found that it just isn't worth it at this point. Same with most medications, they tend to worsen things and give me different problems with side effects.

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