I regret not documenting the abuse earlier

Context: Older sister bashed and scratched me today it wasn’t too bad usually it’s worse. I’m 16 atm and have been verbally and physically abused since I was 5 with belts, ladels, wooden spoons, shoes, sticks, books, combs, brushes, hands, hangars and more those are just some from the top of my head. Usually it’s my parents who take their anger out on me but now my older sister has been doing it too. I may be problematic at times but I try to take action of my consequences and admit my wrongs but they refuse to believe they did anything wrong. Family counselling and psychologists have tried to help my parents and older sister but it didn’t help. I refuse to go to a counselling and my parents have told teachers how ‘bad’ I am and I explained to the teachers my view. Police have already came twice for domestic disturbance as my neighbours have called them.

I just wish I’d record my abuse from earlier as my dad was saying ‘you have no proof against us’ and I wish I had evidence. And I’ve never gone to the hospital either so further no evidence just a bunch of claims. I wish I’d document the bruises, cuts and injuries earlier.

/r/casualChildAbuse Thread Link - i.redd.it