Regret is not rape

You know my college does the same thing, I'm transferring there now and I couldn't hate their ideals any more than I currently do. On our "orientation" day we had this thing where we had to identify our "privileges" or where we were lacking privileges, and as you would assume at a cucked college, most people were going to race or gender. When I went to "age" with my response as to why I felt age was a privilege (you get to drive, people respect your word more, your views get taken more seriously) the girl replies with (talking to the group as a whole) "of course we think we're old enough to do some things..." which I found disrespectful but this is what you eat when your viewpoint doesn't support their agenda right? Going back to the main topic, they had us do a quiz at the end of the day before we could leave, where we had to answer some basic questions and one of them stuck out to me, it went along the lines of "consent may be taken back at any point in time: T/F?". Now I didn't plan on raping any women but with these standards any sex can be considered rape at any woman's whim. CSULB if anyone wanted to know.

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