Regular Check-In Post. Plus, a reminder about the No-Activism Rule.

I have nothing to live for. in six months I have lost everything I ever worked for.

none of my friends are taking covid restrictions seriously and I don't have health insurance so I can't risk seeing them. the person I live with who has been my only company is leaving me to move in with his ex girlfriend 9 hours away, leaving me completely and utterly alone in our house.

I've never had a roommate who was a complete and utter fucking nightmare, I can't do it again, but I can't afford to live alone. I'm too old and I look like THIS and I'm never going to have a partner again. I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore.

I don't want to to get a new job because I'm tired of working my ass off to be compensated pennies for the actual amount of cash my labor generates. I'm tired of selling my soul to someone who sees my salary as a burden.

in six weeks our country will be at civil war and trump's administration is going to do nothing to curtail conservative militias from ripping normal, loving people from their homes and executing them in the streets in the name of fascism.

death with dignity is available in limited places and only to those with terminal illness. I hope at some point humanity looks back on that decision as a crime.

I don't want to fucking live anymore. there is nothing to be alive for. everything just keeps getting worse and no one loves me. I already had no will to live, I was just doing it so that it didn't hurt anyone else, but now that there is no one in my life who would be hurt by my death the only thing that's stopping me is that there is no humane way for me to die

I'll be 29 in five days and I just don't fucking care. last year I didn't think I'd make it to 30 and that was when I still had a fucking job and friends and a life.

but now fuck it, why not cut out a year early? less time less misery? sounds excellent to me

/r/depression Thread