Rekkles: "I don't think [Caps] necessarily spoke with anyone before leaving [...] I would say it wasn't made in a nice way from his side and it's hard to respect him after that. [...] But at the same time I can't say much because I've done it myself back in the day."

Are you telling me you can't sense the plain fact that perhaps Rekless saw him a smudge bit more than just a plain co-worker? this isn't Mike from accross the floor leaving the division. they were teamates, sharing a house, a collective goal and passion for the same game and that's only the solid core of it. It's not like Rekkless is making a big ordeal out of it, whether the feeling is mutual from caps or not, whether he was just shy about it, it's completely understandable how anyone would at least a feel lil' bit uneasy about having someone you spend a long two years in a mutual pursuit of the world title, they were sharing some if not most of their reactional time for pete's sake, along with anything else. have that guy suddenly vanish. in what world being perplexed about something like this considered remotely entitled?

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