Relationship advice

So, the reason why the summer fling thing didn't work out, was because he kinda stopped talking to me, earlier this year he wrote me a 4 page letter explaining why, and the majority of the reason was because he wasn't sure how he would navigate the situation with his friend group (which included a girl he used to really like) and me, so he just picked a side that he regretted a lot because he really liked hanging out with me.

I think that's the exact same thing going on here. The truth is, I want to be friends with the other guy, and while I couldn't forgive him earlier, now, I'm okay with it. But in this case, wouldn't I be doing pretty much the exact same thing by not inviting him in the spirit of preventing awkwardness?

I'm sure I'm overthinking this, but I do want to be friends with him, and I currently don't particularly feel good about my bf and I'm pretty sure we're going to break up soon anyway, because he mentioned it once. However, my bf is still someone I really care about, and do not want to ever hurt if I can help it.

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