[Relationship Sex] Have you ever cheated on your Significant Other?

I've never cheated on an SO. But then again, I was never really tested in that regard either. Until recently. An extremely hot, funny guy that showered me with the best compliments I've ever had, showed an interest. And he made an effort as well. It would've been the perfect opportunity; I honestly think my boyfriend would've never found out as long as I could keep my cool about it (which I would never have been able to do). I remember so vividly the short moment where the other guy had started to lean in for a kiss and I had not yet pushed him away. I was looking at him and for the first time in my life, it crossed my mind that I could cheat. Nobody would find out. It was such a short moment and such a fleeting thought, but it was THERE.

I used to judge cheaters pretty harshly and draw conclusions about their morality and all that higher ground shit. I don't do that anymore. I still believe I will never cheat on anybody, but that's because I don't want to. Not because I'm not capable of it. That realisation scared me a bit, to be honest.

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