relationships with feelers? yay or nay?

The irony, right? They get super defensive if we can't mimic their way of feeling and assume the worse and act on it.

It's so odd. I've found that Im actually more kind (in the traditional sense of not being a dick to people) than alot of feeler types. If you're not immediately nice or open to them, they're mean to you. If I see an introverted standoffish person I usually do the opposite, and invite them to have a conversation or at the very least smile at them. I don't take their outward appearance to mean anything other than they're probably introverted. Extroverted feelers are mean to severely introverted people because they feel like they're being judged. as an introvert, I feel the least judged by the person making the least noise in a room.

I don't know if this is a generalization but I think INTP guys prefer to date people who they can connect with emotionally. They seem to put more of a value on that. While the ladies are attracted to, like you said, more cerebral individuals. We're also generally more likely to develop our Feeling side much faster than our INTP brothers so maybe that plays a part as well. Our ego isn't as fragile? lol

I don't think this is true, I just think that INTP men settle more and are hurt less by divorce and major breakups. Emotional men tend to be more destructive than emotional women just due to cultural norms. For example, take divorce & co-parenting: Men are more likely to be the less-involved parent, and womena re more likely to be fulltime parent, regardless of personality type. It's "easy" for an INTP guy to move on from a divorce with an ESFJ woman. She'll keep the kids, and they may be able to function as good co parents for the kids. But what happens when the INTP woman divorces the ESFJ man? She'll usually be pressured to keep the kids, even if it isn't in her nature. She'll also resent him, and feel like he completely abandoned her and his family.

INTP women have it harder in general because we're facing more issues. We're weirdos, and we're also women which means we're constantly being pressured to be something we're not naturally: Docile, overly-feminine creatures. I think INTP men are able to get along with feeler women because they have less to lose. INTP women are often carrying all the responsibilities as men (because we're more inclined to take more masculine career paths), plus the added responsibiltites that come with being a women in the modern age.

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