Relatives of murderers, what memories stand out as red flags?

Come on dude, don't link me to an 80 minute podcast when you could link me to a scientific paper if there is actually something there.

BTWs, a study that shows the difference in intelligence between twins was 60-80% attributable to genetics does not mean that 60-80% of intelligence is determined by genetics, nor that 60-80% of the difference in intelligence between races is genetic.

There are genetic differences between different ethnic groups. Intelligence is not exempt from those differences

No ones disputing that. What they're disputing is people claiming the difference is mainly genetic without providing good evidence for it.

As for your second point, that doesn't invalidate the research that has been done in this area

No it doesn't. It does explain the hostile reaction you'll get if you start bringing up how black people are racially inferior apropos of nothing. You can continue to be naive about the dark history of scientific racism if you somehow think that will make people receive you better.

The main thing that pits people against you is that you're not upfront about your motivations at all.

"Black people are inferior." Okay now what? If you think its mainly genetic, the only options are 1) some kind of eugenics program, white breeding program or other stormfront wet dreams 2) focus on the remainder that is environmental.

Given that you're not leading with 2 (which would be vastly more popular with most non-racists than leading with "black people are genetically inferior"), it leads people to believe you're either in favor of some ghastly oppressive eugenics program, or you in fact have no real interest in practical solutions at all and just like to hear yourself talk about how superior your race is.

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