Relatives of murderers, what memories stand out as red flags?

This has all ready been publicly talked about quite a lot. It has attracted it's fair share of media attention and I can't really add any more information on the matter then whats all ready out there. However, I will attempt to summarize it as best I can for those who may not have had the opportunity to hear about it.

It involves almost textbook escalation of crime and all the familiar signs of trouble are there but overlooked. - No Father figure in his life - Mother did drugs regularly until his early teens - Drug Dealings - Theft - Rape - Murder - Suicide

His mother stopped doing drugs when he was 13. This is where the problems in his life started to come to the surface. He was extremely insecure, it was like he was always looking for approval. Eventually he dropped out of school, had no job apart from selling weed. He developed a reputation for stealing and dealing drugs and was eventually caught by the police. He opted for a plea bargain and 'squealed' on the people supplying drugs.

I believe he lost the respect of the community of people he hung out with at this point - I'm not sure on this point I'm only speculating but his actions seem to suggest this. He started robbing people, starting fights and flipping out over really small things that the normal person would just brush aside, and eventually went back to selling drugs.

Again he started to gain a reputation but couldn't shake his past. The gang wanted him to prove that he was changed and suggested raping a woman to prove his loyalty. The met up later that night at a quarter three. They drove around neighborhood to neighborhood until they found a woman on her way home from work. They got out of the car and quietly followed her.

The woman fought back as best should could so they immobilized her drawing her shirt over her head and kicking her repeatedly in the chest then dragged her to the roof of a nearby vacant building. After they raped the woman they told him she was a witness for what she had gone through and if he killed her was guaranteed a spot in the crew. He took some time with his decision and thought that she was practically dead so he walked over to her and lowered her shirt. It was at the moment he saw the woman's face. The woman they had brutally beat and raped was his mother. And so he jumped off the roof of the building to his death. The gang members killed his mother and fled the scene.

here is a better version of the story.

/r/AskReddit Thread