Relax, it's just a drawing

I'd love to point out a fact that the Prophet's nephew Ali had been recorded to say something like, he had never seen someone who had the exact visage as Muhammad was, before or even after his lifetime. (Source: am Muslim.) Thus visualizing what the Prophet would look like would just not be worth it, it would never be enough worth representing he who is deemed an example for all mankind to follow.

Which makes all the outrage in response to what's said to be blasphemy like what happened after the Innocent of Muslims thing or the Charlie Hebdo attacks really pathetic and cowardly. Sure, we Muslims are suppose to show our supposedly undying love for the Prophet...but not in ways so reckless, compulsive and underneath our supposed principles as "a peace-loving religion". (Speaking of peace-loving religions...hey, Buddhism have a good reputation as serene and enlightening yet nobody says anything about the Burmese nationalist monks that advocated the discrimination of the Rohingya that propelled them to flee the country, and consequently serious cases of human trafficking. Why the double standard?)

And these people who organised these mobs think this is the worst unforgivable thing done to them. The Prophet had stones pelted at him until he bled in an account! An angel (was it Gabriel?) wanted to hurl a mountain for the villagers that did it at his signal but the prophet refused, saying to effect that "they are not in the know" and prayed that all would be forgiven for them. You'd think that those people would be so devoted to whatever Message he sent that they would try to emulate his manners, but no. The anger that they have just screams of the insecurity they have on their own view of the Prophet - caring more of the literal "untouched" face rather than the values of what he represents instead -that they had to validate how they believe in the most grotesque ways imagined. I'd like to give the benefit of doubt that there's a disparity in how people experienece this type of criticism between communities. Christianity has a lot of people dissing about their clerics and yet followers understood this and learnt to just don't care. Maybe those raging protesting Muslims you see on the news are from such a removed innocuous and isolated environment that when stuff so provocative comes at them, well, they panic in the most volatile way possible.

(I don't care if you have a rather opposing opinion on the theology or the jurisdiction stuff, or not. I just wanted to vent out my frustration I have with these rabid maniacs now that you mentioned this. End rant.)

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