Relax: porn is porn. Sexting your girl/boyfriend, having fantasies or watching pictures of them is not pornography.

Alright, now you're clearly being stubborn, i'll give it a last go but somewhat i am feeling this is a lost cause because you're taking a moral stance regardless of what arguments are offered to you.

Listen if you wanna receives nudes and sext whoever you want, fine. If you're certain that it doesn't lead you in any way to porn, again do you.

What you quite clearly refuse to aknowledge is that sexting and getting nudes from someone wheter it is from your girlfriend or wife can definitely constitute a major trigger leading down the path to porn. You need to understand the idea of "triggers" clearly you don't.

Never in our history have we lived in a hypersexual world like ours currently. From tv spots and shows, magazines, to the way women dress in public (and yes they are free to dress however they want). Initially porn just like sexting by letters or emails wasn't a problem at all, like 20, 30 or 40 years ago. It is today's porn, meaning high speed internet porn that became the issue, it is hyper convenience of things that led us to our demise.

When you areseriously addicted to porn (maybe you're aren't after all), anything sexual can lead you to porn. I mean read people's testimonials here, there are plenty from things "seemingly" not as triggering as sexting with your girlfriend or receiving nudes from her.

Please do that, type "Triggers" on the search function and see what potential triggers are about as far as porn addiction goes, you can consider it is "healthy" MAYBE, but it is only for you, you can't make it a general fact for anybody, and lecture people on what is healthy and what isn't. It only shows your lack of understanding of porn addiction. Again just like suffering from porn addiction, and having a friend telling you : How about a glass wine for lunch or dinner ? Red wine is healthy, it is good for your heart.

Also as far as porn addiction and alcohol addiction once again you're damn wrong. They are not exactly the same but they ARE very similar contrary to what you're claiming.

Here is some reading for you if you are interested in reading something :

"You may think of “addiction” as a term related to drug and alcohol use,
but it actually describes both substance abuse and some compulsive
behaviors, including pornography consumption. Watching porn can become
just as addictive as using substances, and the processes and impacts of
the two kinds of addiction are very similar. In fact, they are so
similar that they frequently happen at the same time or people use one
behavior to replace the other........"

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