Is Religion Keeping Humanity Alive?

The Emperor was ultimately a fuckup. His Imperial Truth was fundamentally flawed because while it preached a logical, scientific society free from superstition and irrationality, it simultaneously betrayed its own core principle through its tyrannical imposition on the people. It brooked no debate, it refused to be questioned, and thus it forced the population to essentially accept it on faith. Rationality, scientific advancement, etc. have, as a cornerstone, debate. In suppressing dissonant ideologies, it removed that cornerstone and became a religion in all but name.

Really, the Emperor's own actions set up the Imperium's slide into theocracy. He created a populace indoctrinated to take his word and edicts on faith alone, unthinkingly loyal to the Imperium with the Emperor as the figure head and linchpin of it all. It's no wonder that, with the Emperor unable to directly guide it, the Imperium fell to the very same superstition and irrationality he railed against.

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