Religious people of Reddit, did you choose your religion or you were born into it? If you chose it, why did you pick that one specifically?

I was raised Christian fundamentalist.

I went through a period of deconstructing my faith, but honestly the best realization I ever had was that one's faith should be based on hope rather than knowledge.

There is so much that we don't know, can't know, and won't ever know......that's where faith should step in.

For me, it was the re-framing of "faith" and "the most hopeful story that I can be convinced of."

I still maintain a personal narrative of faith that largely resembles the Protestant Christian version, but I realize that's likely due to my own upbringing—and I don't think that's a bad thing.

I doubt that everyone else would love my father, my mother, and my sister the way I do and I don't expect them to. They weren't raised with them the way I was.

In much the same way, I love and respect others who grew up with other religious/scientific/secular narratives (or who later adopted different narratives) because none of gets to chose who raises us, but we can all learn to love and appreciate the people and stories that surround us.

/r/AskReddit Thread