Remember: Mexican Andy not only used his "locked Paypal" excuse to keep from paying any RV trip expenses but also to keep from paying any bail money to get Brandon out of jail.

I don't get why there's such a concerted effort to hate on Mexican Andy right now.

Remember, nobody here actually watches Mexican Andy for his PogChamp content. We watch Mexican Andy for his cringe. For his social awkwardness. We watch him for the same reason many of us started watching Ice when he started IRL streaming Pokemon Go (Autistic kid who never left his bedroom is suddenly thrown into the real world and has to interact with people). While Ice took a "fake it till you make it" super confident approach to interactions, Mexican Andy is actually the perfect example of someone with social anxiety, autism, and low IQ, and putting him in social situations, especially with women, is HILARIOUS CRINGY CONTENT. THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

Sure he might be a scummy person. Sure he might have his flaws. But when has that ever stopped this community from relishing in the raw autistic content they provide? All these Youtuber newfags and peppergang losers need to realise, we care about content over all else. Sure you might find racist TTS in public hilarious, but to me, and I feel for a lot more people in this community, there is no content above pure unadulterated autism, and now that Ice essentially has become a caricature of autism, it is for true autists like Mexican Andy to provide us that thrill.

/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread