A reminder for old apes, and a heads up for the new ones, when the price screams like this, always keep in mind dips are fake, nobody is fuckin selling.

The Dips are Fake!

Share the Story! Getting the word out beyond Reddit is key to enacting change! Just posting in reddit helps other apes, but doesn't let others know, and the SEC etc can just claim they didn't think it was a big deal and focus on what they want to. You want to hold them accountable? Report it!





Keeping the focus on DRS: IMO you want to DRS all your eligible shares, not just the ones you aren't selling for MOASS. It might be easier to sell from CS (who are quick and easy anyways) than from a broker that is playing piddlywinks suspending trades like RobingHood did in January. Your shares are safest with DRS - as their website says, DRS offers an extra layer of protection over broker shares in street name.

Buy, Hodl, DRS & Share the Story!

[Not advice. Opinion only].

/r/Superstonk Thread Parent