A reminder of the "harsh truth" of climbing / improving

From an overly theoretical standpoint I'd agree. But we humans don't work like that. We don't conciously take into account a million parameters. Specific questions or specific knowledge in general can guide you in certain directions and give you ideas and change the way you value certain aspects of your current strategy.
But ultimately it has to become intuitive in some way, shape or form. The way you do that is by mindfully playing and observing outcomes. By thinking about how you could have changed a few small things and how they would have changed the outcome.

The small micro decissions can be as subtle as hitting the minions in the first wave 4times instead of hitting your lane opponent twice. This could completely shift your first 5minutes of gameplay. It could be understanding that in this specific situation you should have joined the fight 2seconds later to better suit what your champion can do.

Sure you can ask a million questions but what people can also do is taking responsibility for everything they did in the game and asking themselves about the implications of a position, of an autoattack, a more grand decission like recalling/roaming, etc. What we can also do is spectate the gameplay of very good players and try to find patterns or ideas that are underlying their whole gameplay.

What I'm trying to say here is that the "asking a lot of specific questions" can be a very interactive thing that you do between yourself and the game. Most of the questions in fact should be between yourself and the game. And only few should surface on the subreddit. And that's exactly what happens except that I think too many people aren't engaging enough in the part of that equation.

I just intended to put that out there, so that people don't get the false idea that what is surfacing here which is actually a small percentage of what makes you a good player is actually the majority of what makes you a good player. One could easily be biased by the amount of questions asked here that they are actually the more important part of what makes a good player. But in reality it's just the tip of the iceberg.

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