A reminder to *not harass* the few devs that commit their time to dota 2 despite Valve's alleged lack of resources poured and managed towards the game.

For better and for worse Valve hasn't changed that much of their communication and content release routine since Orange Box (or prior?). I totally understand why people are upset when a developer doesn't seem to reciprocate the love a community has for a title, but game dev is surely not trivial and Valve have _always_ done their own thing, with minimal impact from external pressure. In any creative/innovative field that has to be a valuable dimension of your job.

Then again... it seems like this culture results in A LOT of shelved projects and can make it really hard to not brace for disappointment (especially after Ep.3.). I still get the same warm fuzzy feeling playing TF2, CSGO and DOTA as I did playing those titles when they were just community mods all those years ago.

Sorry for sounding like a fanboy, I'm not 100% happy with everything either but I've had a lot of time off recently to play tons of games and I actually feel super spoiled by all the good games available. Id rather keep things how they are then for Volvo to turn into another boring corporate investment company like Blizzard, EA ; with their hold on companies like DICE, or Bethesda. There is so much lower we can go.

TL;DR Episode 3 broke me and now I'm just happy Valve still pushes updates to TF2.

/r/DotA2 Thread