Reminder that these bizarre, creepy perverted videos are targeted at children. Hundreds of millions of views and does YouTube care? Nah, they’re too busy trying to stop grown men and women from swearing on their channels.

This is completely fucked up beyond anything I have ever seen. I've visited about 20 different kinds of these channels and they have all started uploading within the past year. If you go to featured channels you'll see that a lot of them are connected, often with the same animation style. Guys, I think this is fucking big. This shit is getting upwards of 100 million views within a couple of months, this is not a fucking drill. Some of these channels started uploading last month and already have 10mil+ videos.

My best guess is that the youtube autoplay is geared towards taking kids from innocent videos to this shit. Even the less graphic videos have a satanic vibe to them, weird behaviour and intentionally disgusting characters. I just watched a video that seemed so innocent then spiderman walks in and farts on elsa and YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HIS COCK AND BALLS THROUGH THE FUCKING COSTUME

I know that it sounds crazy, but this seems like too much of a bullshit coincidence. I think this might just be the last step in the complete destruction of civilisation, destroy the future.

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