So the Removed Dialogue from the Me fight was "Those clothes make you look fat"

I think it is silly removing this line as well, absolutely nothing wrong with it being in the game. However reading through this thread some of your opinions on obese people are so horrible. Of course it is a choice about how many calories in you consume, but if it was that simple there would be no obese people because who would choose to be obese?.

For most obese people it is a behavior that is engragjned in them which is incredibly hard to just change. There are alot of different reasons from anxiety/depression to emotions being completely tied to food. If you have never struggled with an eating disorder, you could never really understand. It is like any other addiction alcohol, sex or drugs and should be treated as such. The idea all fat people are just lazy is just simply untrue. It is a mental condition that requires therapy. I have been through it and it took me years to love myself enough to lose weight.

Honestly with some of the opinions on this thread, it is no wonder people like Andrew tate can pray on people's hatred and insecurities to gain following to make money off them.

Anyways going way off topic haha

/r/2007scape Thread Link -