Removing harassing subreddits

It's interesting to me that 'the end' being described here has been, so far, the elimination of jailbait subreddits and now a subreddit that encourages users to lash out at fat people posting in other subs like r/fitness.

So far it seems like the only speech being curtailed is that which reaches out to harm. Jailbait was encouraging people to go out in the world and gather near-pornographic material of young girls without their consent. Fatpeoplehate was encouraging people to wander around reddit trolling any fat person who dared to post about their weight in pretty much any other popular sub.

In both cases it wasn't an indictment of the content of the sub, it was punishment for the effect the sub was having elsewhere. In the former it was a blatant encouragement for folks to go out, take pictures of little girls, and bring them back. In the latter it's encouragement to go to other subs and fuck with fat people.

Everyone's acting like this is a move to encourage advertisers. I would posit that if I were a fat person, feeling like I can't talk about it anywhere on reddit without being the equivalent of internet-lynched would make me feel like I was incapable of speech here.

What if one day a community made a subreddit dedicated to shaming athiests - athiesthate. This by itself seems to be mostly fine. It's when the folks at athiesthate start frequently and obviously posting references to their sub and how much athiests are terrible, immoral, worthless people whenever anybody mentions anywhere on reddit that they're an athiest. Suddenly the religious right gets caught up and the subreddit explodes, it's on the front page every day. If you post in r/atheism, you're greeted by a torrent of PMs and hateful comment responses. Every single time.

What do you think Reddit would do about it then?

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