Rener just gave the shady karate black belt teens a 5 star review on their Facebook fan page

I'm going to put what I put on their page, it's fine to disagree, but honestly, I don't think the intention was there:

BJJ gis and belts are way cooler than Karate stuff, why wouldnt they want those types for karate use?

I taught at a TKD/BJJ school and the TKD Black belts wore whatever they wanted to BJJ class because they were usually rolling in from another class immediately before and at my current judo/BJJ school no one cares what belt they wear to either class when going from one class to the other. No one teaching was lying about their rank during class, and the learners didnt even think about changing clothes for a different class. Because everyone knew what rank they were in which field.

If the teacher was taking photos with BJJ students wearing BJJ belts while wearing a false belt, or passing off technique videos a la Ari Bolden as being from a BJJ black belt then I see the ish, otherwise this has been hugely blown out of proportion.

I also have to point out that the signage in the background is a non issue. Thats literally the name of the school. Can she not take a picture in front of her schools logo while representing her karate rank? I think she should have chosen a lesser MA specific logo if she's going to do both MAs, but the branding of the Gracie's is pretty strong.

It looks bad out of context, but it seems she handles it appropriately in front of her students, so no one there thinks she is a black belt in BJJ. Only people online who made assumptions. Her explaination is plausible enough isn't it? And again, BJJ belts look cool, ive seen BJJ black belts wear what can be said is a TKD BB or karate bb and no one seems to care. They are literally throwing karate chops while wearing the black belts.

I do on the other hand detest her comments about "come in and find out". That literally makes me want to go on a diet, cut off a limb, show up at your gym and maul you in front of your students. You are a teenage girl, 99% of the population can sneeze you to death.

For everything else regarding how I feel about the Gracie curriculum just google search anything TrumpetDan says about it.

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