Rengar, Shaco, Twitch, Wukong, and Talon can all use Youmuu's Ghostblade while invisible. So why can't Kha'Zix?

Ghosts are invisible now? Just like how vampires are now shiny?

Ghosts always were white. I don't know what changed in the past 20 years... Anyway, any AD champion is an assassin if you build AD due to how the game works, and how abilities scale with AD on TOP OF AA dmg.

I agree that Kha'zix and Rengar are assassins, and so are Talon and Zed yes. Do you think that Jarvan isn't an assassin when built dmg? Or he cannot do that? Fiora? Irelia? Udyr?

Some time ago when we had DFG, every champion turned into a freaking assassin with just 1 item. Scaling in this game is horrible, and it's 1 of the reasons items/champions will never be balanced.

In many games tanks scale with defensive stats, and even deal dmg from building HP and crit dmg/crit rate. In League you build 1 semi offensive item on a tank, and you delete whoever you want with close to no effort. Killing Mundo? Good fucking luck as an AP champion. Zed/Master YI? AFK and see Mundo dies due to your life steal, true dmg/% dmg, and penetration that you build to deal more dmg to squishies AND tanks.

If you cannot run away from Olaf, he is going to eat you alive. Same goes for Udyr, Volibear, and many others.

League doesn't have real roles. Just slap whatever you want, on whatever you have and if you don't suck, it will work.

AP Zed? With Lich Bane and enough AP you will still deal ridiculous dmg. AP Garen? Same story. AD Thresh? Attack speed Naut? AD Soraka? AD Janna? All of them work with enough items.

There are no GHOSTS in League, or real roles. Just some BS Riot made up. So... tell me, why do you build swords on gun users? Or even bow users? Why do you use boots on snakes? Or flying jelly? It just doesn't make any sense, just like GHOSTblade, ghosts, balance, and roles like assassin and tanks.

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