Renters, what're your renting horror stories?

I signed a lease on a place before the previous tenant was done moving out. I knew the place was in pretty bad shape, but the landlord assured that everything would be fixed up before I moved in...

On moving day, I got there to find that absolutely no work had been done on the house, and huge piles of the old tenants junk were laying in the yard/halls/kitchen. I had borrowed a truck for the move, and I only had it for a few hours, so I moved in all of my stuff and started cleaning.

It took me hours to get the place clean enough to start unpacking my stuff. One of the last things I moved was a little night stand left by the previous renter that I'd decided to keep. When I looked behind it, I saw an outlet that literally had vines growing out of it... I honestly don't even know how that happens.

I complained to the landlord, brought up all the things he had agreed to fix, and neglected to fix, and that kicked off the first month of a year long antagonistic relationship with the biggest nightmare of a landlord I could ever imagine.

In the course of that year, my house flooded, had multiple power outages, and eventually caught on fire (oddly, the fire started in the same outlet with the vines that I'd been complaining about)

I got a new place, got a new landlord, and posted my story anywhere I could. I stalked his facebook/Craigslist ads and anytime I saw someone responding, I would copy/paste my story as a reply.

His office shut down, he sold off his properties, and he now works the cash register at a gas station... I'm honestly not sure he's even qualified for that.

/r/AskReddit Thread