Rep. Brian Stout Removed from House Committees as Sexual Abuse Protection Order Against Him Remains in Place

Answer my question- what are you?

This was 30 years ago. 30. Donald Trump and Gaetz are now. I'm also super confused on the Ed Buck reference- pretty sure he's going to prison for 30 fucking years.

I didn't vote for him, and saying the people that did has no fucking bearing on right now. The Republicans aren't even the same fucking party. They've been through like 4 iterations since the 50s.

Again, like I said before, it's not even comparable to raping a little girl. If you think it is, you're a fucking moron. Nice morals there- it's only cool if it's kids who get fucked. They were both consenting adults. Watch her fucking interview from a few years ago, this was very much consensual. The power dynamics don't make it any less consensual, but because of it all the blame falls on Bill since he should have said no. She was absolutely destroyed by the public, especially Republicans you twit.

30 years ago everyone was doing it apparently, including the guy who ran Clinton's impeachment on the republican side, and got busted for it.

Like are you just trolling because your bored and talentlessly vapid, or are you honestly this stupid? How do my morals come into play when I say raping kids now is not comparable to consensual extra marital adults fucking 30 years ago?

I think it says way more about yours, because you think they are equal trespasses. You're moral compass is fucked, and your unwillingness to develop critical thinking skills is the only thing sickening here.

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