Replace iPhone 6 Plus or by an Xs?

FWIW, I work in IT at the game company and only play the games a little bit, but I'm still expected to do so to some degree. However, having access to my personal and corporate Gmail and Calendar on my phone is an absolute necessity, especially for on-call support. I agree, though, that I'm otherwise not pushing any limits. I only have 18 installed apps: 5 are directly work-related (2 games, 3 benefits-related), 7 are various Google service apps, and the rest are related to security/authentication, bank accounts, and travel.

And with the 6 Plus, I'm saving almost $1000, as the refurbished phone with tax would be about $362, while a new Xs with Apple Care, tax, and a 3.5mm to Lightning adapter would be about $1327. Downsizing from the 6 Plus form-factor to the Xs is certainly appealing to me now, but I don't think that alone is worth the premium.

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