Reply from Tory MP about Cannabis legalisation

I strongly disagree. Most of the negative consequences associated with drugs are actually a consequence of prohibition.

First off, most drugs really aren't that bad for you. The harm is often exaggerated. In fact alcohol is far more dangerous than any illegal drug. Don't buy into the propaganda.

For example, the most dangerous part about heroin is the lack of consistency in quality. Drug dealers aren't regulated. Inconsistent quality is the primary cause of overdoses. Did you know medical grade heroin only has 2 major size effects? Constipation and withdrawal. You can literally use it 10 times a day, everyday, and live to 100, as long as the quality is consistent.

In terms of addiction, I don't buy that being an argument for prohibition. Anything can be addictive to an unhappy individual trying to escape life. Food, alcohol, drugs, gambling etc. Besides, the evidence is already in, Portugal decriminalised a while ago and usage rates have dropped in half.

And in fact, if you go back in history, Heroin used to be legal in the UK. Pre-criminalisation there were less than a thousand addicts in this country. Then it got made illegal. A couple of years later there were tens of thousands of addicts. Hmm. I wonder what caused this increased rate?

Well, when you make something illegal you create a black market. The price gets inflated due to risk. People will ascribe more value to something with a higher price so it becomes more desirable.

Lets talk about harm to society. The stereotypical addict lives in poverty. They steal, lie, cheat and whore to fund their habits. Because of the inflated price. Created by prohibition. Most drugs are actually very cheap to produce.

And lets not forget all that gang warfare, another direct consequence of prohibition. Beer companies don't shoot people in the streets.

I really recommend reading Flat Earth News, there is a great chapter on heroin.

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