Reporter robbed by black youths while covering baltimore protests

That article does not appear to relay how many of those black men were unarmed/not attacking a cop. Also I've seen statictics from some years that had whites as the main victims of police brutality, so...

I know black people who have been harassed by police for no reason.

This is not a thing that happens exclusively to black people.

I've seen blatant stereotyping done by people and officers, with nothing else to go on other than the person being Black.

Same can be said about other demographics such as Hispanics, the homeless, the mentally ill... Stereotypes exist and there are plenty of black good-for-nothings confirming the racist stereotype everywhere.

Also, I know first hand what it's like to be harassed by police. I'm black, and I've been nearly arrested several times for nothing. The best one was when I was almost arrested for a rape/theft near my home. I was in school when it occurred and had proof from the administrators and my student ID. Guess who was taken in for questioning anyway?

This is also not a thing that happens only to black people? Also how do you know that you were arrested for a racist reason? Maybe there was a black gang active in the neighborhood? Maybe a certain crime is overwhelmingly committed by blacks in the area? Racial profiling is not born out of racism, but quality investigative work. I mean if the majority of a certain crime is committed by members of one group, wouldn't it make sense to look for a member of this group first when this crime happens again.

Also, getting brought in for questioning is definitely not problematic, not racist and not something that should be complained about.

If you still honestly think that this isn't a thing, then excuse me for thinking that you might be a little racist.

Certainly less so than someone who goes around attacking people of other race on the street under disguise of a peaceful protest.

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