Reporting problems versus engaging them

If white males seriously wonder why they are so hated: this. This is why America hates you. This is why the world hates you. Because you deserve it.

I guess all the working class, non-heterosexual, non cisgendered, disabled, mentally ill, and all other oppressed peoples that happen to be white men deserve the indignities they've suffered under capitalism? I know you're referring to a specific demographic of white men, but I think you're being adversarial at the expense of clarity. I think class is an undeniable factor behind all this. Most of the white men that I've seen behave this way come from upper middle class backgrounds, who have grown up thinking of the world as theirs and respond in rage and indignation when they don't get their way. The well-to-do/professional strata of the middle class is a great cancer. Women and men, white and color, alike.

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