[Request] Best Order To Watch Marvel and/or DC Movies For Someone Who Has Never Seen Them?

Bot author here.

i'm sorry about the screw up the bot had on this thread. Please take my apology.

The explanation is below, but by its nature it does contain A:EG spoilers.

>!To summarize, the bot detected these words "Aven_gers", "End_game", "Ir_on", "Ma_n" as enough to call out the Ir_on M_an Di_es spoiler.

It's obviously not supposed to do that as it does not even contain 'death', so i will make the bot have to find the word 'd_ie' or something similar in the comment before reporting it!<

I would like to note, however, that the bot is not a moderator on this sub, you can check here, so every time a comment was deleted, it was deleted by the comment author, not the bot.

Either way, my sincerest apologies, uSoLoDas

/r/MovieSuggestions Thread