"Requested to view your private photos" without a message or anything

I will request private pictures without additional comment when there are no public pics or it’s impossible to get any idea what your face or body or age or ethnicity are from what pics you have. This is particularly true if the public picture’s angle might be hiding someone who weighs much more than acknowledged.

In those cases the only reason I haven’t simply nexted you is because Something interested me about your profile, or you are so new at this you possibly don’t know what your public pics should convey. Your providing an adequate picture, and pretty quickly, is the only thing that keeps me from moving on to someone else who is a little bit less deceptive or a little bit more forthcoming.

Well I don’t want to do is engage you only to find out that I’m really not attracted to you. At that point, blocking you is likely to be more hurtful than if I never contacted you in the first place And the last thing I wanna do is have to explain.

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread