Researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or the leading medications

"Sitting there having someone read from a book about what is wrong with me and then telling me what is happening in a toxic command shouldn’t happen or a civilian who never served tell me “wow that sucks” doesn’t seem to help me at all."

Idk, I agree with the sentiment, slightly. Depends on if the doctor is remotely competent and if they can actually understand what you are going through. I had a nurse practitioner tell me I had depression and anxiety and paranoid personality disorder in grad school. Told an MD psychiatrist the entire story, and he laughed his ass off saying impostor syndrome isn't a mental health issue and said I never met the qualifications for any of those diagnoses. Occam's razor is certainly a thing.

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