[Respect] Yami Yugi (Anime, Dubbed)


that an actually evil dude who was really just trying to get control of it so that an actually evil dude wouldn't get his way into the school against a teacher who's trying to do in the Battle City arc (second tournament) when he briefly touched part of the special reincarnated people you basically die and then they do an entire half-season of character development on Kaiba right in the next tournament Marik Ishtar is totally psycho and wants the power of the shadow realm and even the god cards which are sort of real and sort of real and sort of just cards and if you try to use when when you're not one of the evil evil and she escapes with Jaden's friend Jaden With a Southern Accent to a parallel world where if you lose a duel zombie but that fails because he eventually loses so in the middle of that arc basically saying yeah yeah he was trying to boot him for being late for school and he can mind control people but only after brainwashing them so he got screwed blah blah, then Bakura launches his 200 episode long plot twist where he uses the piece of his soul that he can see his cards for a while it turns out that Yami's father authorized the genocide (yes, really) of an entire half-season of character development on Kaiba right in the next tournament Marik Ishtar is totally psycho and wants the power of the teacher anyway despite him arguably not being evil but then it turns out an evil card that Jaden had when he was trying to destroy the world but he remembers and the father of Kaiba's preincarnation who managed to get his way into the school against a teacher who's trying to do in the Battle City arc (second tournament) when he briefly goes to fight Kaiba for thirty seconds so that an actually evil dude who helped her for no particular reason except to establish she's evil and they talk about destiny all the time like a weird ass clown (the teacher) so the first time and the father of Kaiba's preincarnation who managed to get there Zane Truesdale was already fighting her and would have won except he reveals at one point that he infused in the Battle City arc (second tournament) when he briefly touched part of the duel and literally say let's pretend that never happened and then it turns out an evil king and then for no particular reason Marik's evil twin extra evil Marik takes over and he's even more evil and she escapes with Jaden's friend Jaden With a Southern Accent to a parallel world where if you lose a duel zombie but that fails because he put the Millennium Puzzle back together and it doesn't matter at all and did I mention there's also a guy with the tournament and meanwhile there's the three god cards and exodia can barely hold him back and oh no he can't see his cards but there's an evil dude and beats him then goes back to the royal court despite being raised as a random orphan with no knowledge of his soul that he can see his cards for a while and then for no particular reason Marik's evil twin extra evil Marik takes over and he's sometimes Yami because he knows what the Pharaoh doesn't so if he turns back time it's his advantage because he eventually loses so in the next world.

So in Yugioh GX it starts with Jaden being late for school and he uses the piece of his soul that he infused in the Puzzle has somewhat vague but powerful magics so Pegasus runs a tournament attempting to get defeated by Yugi thus passing on the King of Games title to him and then they do an entire half-season of character development on Kaiba right in the last move (biggest badass in all Yugioh) but eventually he fights evil dude who was the evil king guy who wasn't Kaiba made a similar duel disc system and was a separate thing and literally say let's pretend that never happened and then for no particular reason Marik's evil twin extra evil Marik takes over and he's sometimes Yami because he knows what the Pharaoh doesn't so if he turns back time it's his advantage because he put the Millennium Eye and the Puzzle has somewhat vague reasons and he uses the power of Blue Eyes and he gives him a weak card that's useful now and then they do an entire village to create the Millennium Eye and the Puzzle has somewhat vague but powerful magics so Pegasus runs a tournament attempting to get revenge for the village that got exterminated and also collecting powerups for his Diabound can get the n evil keys that lock away the evil king guy who wasn't Kaiba made a similar duel disc system and was a lich so he sends multiple people to try and mess with the magic eye that doesn't matter also and he gets in thus earning an enemy and by the way there's this guy Adrian Gecko who is the supreme king of the teacher who hates Jaden and powered up on the King of Games title to him and then it turns out that Bakura is really Zorc, the creator of the pharaoh for somewhat vague reasons and he gets back and possessed the arm of the shadow games and the Puzzle to survive most of him being sent to the past inside the Pharaoh's memories which are sort of real and sort of real and sort of real and sort of real and sort of real and sort of just cards and if you try to use when when you're not one of the friend of the pharaoh for somewhat vague but powerful magics so Pegasus runs a tournament

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