responding to accusations made through twitter dm of impersonating others on reddit

Thanks for listening :)

I'm worried that she will invent a fake narrative and spread rumours about me. I don't want to risk a situation where she can potentially get away with what amounts to legalized defamation and slander. The cyberbullying is annoying and hurtful, but I'm more worried about this rumor and the potential for her to get away with defamation and slander in the future. She has told me in twitter dm that she believes in this fake history based on rumors, and I've tried to tell her it isn't true. When I started explaining, she blocked me on twitter.

It is very distressing to confront the reality that people are going to invent accusations, spread rumors about you behind your back, and refuse to communicate! A freeze-out.

When one or more people socially excommunicate another individual. example: not answering calls or text messages from the freezie, not inviting the freezie to social events. The freeze out best works when done by more then one person. This is not to be confused with ending a friendship, a freezeout by definition has to come to an end at some point. The freeze out can be done when mad at the freezie but the best time to freeze someone out is when 6they least expect. When the freeze out is done for no reason it will often leave the freezie in freeze limbo when he or she does not know they are being frozen

Freezing someone out is threatening and belligerent behavior, and I want to make it clear that she knows there will be consequences for behaving like a spoiled brat. It is unacceptable behavior, and it is an unacceptable risk for me to walk away and hope she doesn't get the idea that she can spread rumors about me and push me around anytime she feels like it. This goes beyond a 1-1 relationship. For me, this is about whether or not bullies can get away with toxic behavior, a particular type of toxic behavior that is based on mob mentality and bullying. I've been pushed around by bullies my whole life and I've found that it is MUCH better to STAND UP to them. To put up a mirror and make them LOOK AT THEIR OWN REFLECTION so they can observe how DESTRUCTIVE and DAMAGING their behavior is. And, hopefully, after the message has been delivered, there can be some mending of relationships so that the destruction comes to an end and does not continue.

If I back down, then I'm saying, "it is ok to let this bully get away with this behavior, not only toward me, but toward others". I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept a status quo where this behavior is met with silent consent. She thinks what she is doing is OK. It is not OK.

I admit that part of the tensions stems from the fact that I am male and she is female. A powerful female with high social status is pushing me, a low status male with very little power. The biggest problem I think is that she hasn't uttered a WORD about connecting any behavior of mine with a fake narrative she INVENTED. So I'm just left scratching my head wondering what it is this obviously very upset person wants from me.

Again, thanks for the suggestion, and I will admit that part of me wishes that ignoring them would be the best approach. It is a nice thought that I can just walk away from all of this, but I truly believe that ignoring this would be negligent and simply allow the problem to fester and rot and get bigger in the future. And this is a problem. Her behavior is a problem. It on her to fix the problem, but this is a problem that affects me, so I'm going to keep reminding her that this is a problem and that I'm not satisfied with allowing her to set a precedent that condones cyber-bullying. No.

/r/Twitter Thread Parent