Responding to Trump, France says Israeli sovereignty over Golan breaks international law

The Nazis were incredibly supportive of the Zionist movement until 1941. In the prewar years they saw Zionism as a way to remove the problem and simultaneously weaken a rival's middle eastern position. Remember, there was no major effort or idea to use mass extermination to "resolve the Jewish question" until the invasion of Russia had begun. Killings obviously occurred, but the industrialized slaughter started after a meeting with Himmler and several others in the first weeks of Barbarossa. The purpose of the anti-jewish laws such as the ones set at Nuremberg was to drive the Jewish people out of the nation of their own volition. This allowed Nazi seizure of land and businesses as well as financial gain through "exit fees" and other methods used to take large sums from Jewish emigrants. Zionism was simply an additional reason for Jews to leave Germany, and as such the government actively supported both the Arab nationalist movement and Zionists, as both the removal of Jews and unrest in British holdings were wins for Hitler's government. Modern Israel as an independent state therefore doesn't support the same outcomes, unless an Israeli supported forced migration of German Jews could be arranged. By the same extension, German support for Arab nations fighting Israel would be unnecessary and likely not pursued or provided.

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