In response to complaints about our banning users from brigade subs

In your case, since you posted a thread in a known brigade sub, we do not need to revisit your ban.

Yeah, dude exactly like I said in my first message with you. I didn't know r/askaliberal was included in the list of subs that was accused of brigading r/askaconservative . You're in charge of a really small sub. And to expect people to follow 3 hyperlinks included in Rule #9 to be fully aware of every other sub you take issue with is ridiculous.

At the end of the day you're banning me from a sub for engaging in civil conversation on another sub, which I was unaware was against the rules of your sub and apologized for. You want to power trip go for it. Don't include me in future messages unless I'm unbanned though. I didn't mention you by your username in my post.

Rule #9 is for astroturfing. And then at the end you say you'll also ban people that have posted in "those" subs which you say have a history of brigading you. I don't keep up with the current trends in your sub. I reply to posts with conservative commentary. You have an over-inflated idea of what your sub is and how much people are keeping up with the day to day.

/r/askaconservativemeta Thread