Response from UTD regarding Jacob Anderson

the truth is that companies like utd or any company don't care about the individual. they care about their image. if having someone in their school hurts their image, he or she is out. Its just the way the justice system goes

its awful for the people that make mistakes, but it helps give the fearmongers peace of mind.

is this jacob dude going to go around raping people left and right? of course not, or he already would've during the 2 years he's been at school here at utd

but logic like that doesn't matter to angry people. angry mobs want blood. They want to end the life of anyone that goes against their moral standing. It's like trump with his wall. He wants to end what he thinks is wrong with this country, and since he's racist, he wants to end mexican immigrants. Its the same with a lot of feminists, they find a poor example of a man and they try to hurt them as badly as is in their power. There's no attempt at retribution, they could care less about their target. They want "justice" which, by their terms, is as much damage to the individual as possible. Just like trump. Think he cares about the turmoil of illegal immigrants? Hell no, he justifies his hate using the rule of law as well. Its the same thing.

Its just people looking for revenge, instead of fixing actual problems and helping people. Go out and ask one of these people who signed the petition if they think he should get a second chance. They'll look at you stupid and say hell no, he's a danger, even if thats totally unrealistic, they'll point to his previous charge and say it happened once it can happen again, regardless of the fact that anyone can break the law or hurt someone. Regardless of the fact that he's the one being punished for it which lowers his chance for breaking the law. It doesn't matter because they can't see past their rage.

If this were hundreds of years ago, the dude would be at the gallows if they had their way. That's how mob rule works.

Justice isn't possible in most scenarios. Instead we get people who have had bad experiences in their own lives trying to 'punish' people they don't even know to make themselves feel appeased.

Its like the concept that Jesus sends people to hell for eternity.

We all know that when parents punish their children for doing something wrong, its with the intent that they stop doing those wrong actions. The punishment is meant to teach the individual to improve and become better, to grow as a person and become a productive member of society.

But eternal banishment to hell is essentially just a way to sate someones anger and hatred. Its a way to give them the pleasure of revenge, the satisfaction of someone they don't like's suffering. They get off to the other person's misery. Its sadism by definition. Theres no interest in growing of the person's character, no interest in the person learning or improving or changing their decision. Its about revenge. Its about hurting them the way their decision hurt you.

Whatever you think is right is your decision, but I, for one, don't give up on people that easily. You hurt someone, you murder or rape someone, sure. Look, we've all done terrible things. But that terrible action doesn't define you as a person. It doesn't.

No person is all bad. We all have good within us.

I truly believe that we all deserve a second chance at life, even if we do something terrible. Man, woman, child.

But i also don't believe in the death penalty, so...idk. This is america.

Don't catch you slippin up.

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