In response to the immediate threat posed by the White Walkers, the XCOM Project has been activated...

As nobody noticed the flair I'll have to do a writeup of my own:

Shen sat hunched behind the console, her Gremlin constantly nudging her as to draw her attention:

"I'm sorry ROV-R, but I need to find out what's going on, ever since ADVENT fell the gate has fallen silent; I've been running diagnostics on the Shadow chamber but I can't seem to get it back online"

Shen continued to toil at the controls, browsing line after line of alien code to try and find the right routine that could fix it but alas, nothing.

Then, out of nowhere, the gate shot into life in a burst of psionic energy, the even horizon flickering and fluctuating as it does so, Shen gazed at the gate, puzzled, clueless as to how this is possible, an purple arc quickly turned confusion into shock, she quickly went back to the console to try and see what was going on, Central messaged her:

"Shen, picking up some weird power readings, what the hell is going on down there?!"

The portal continued fluctuating, with each pulse lashing out mounds of psionic energy across the room, Shen could barely even touch the keys anymore, with bolts of energy striking the console when she tried reaching for it, it was too late, she had to leave the room.

However, before that could happen, the portal pulsed one last time, completely sheathing the Avenger in Psionic energy before collapsing in on itself, sucking the ship through the void.

When Central woke back up, he was met the telltale red flicker of the emergency light, he regained his footing before, in the same manner a few months back in a similar situation

"somebody give me a damn damage report!"

Shen immediately replied: "Central, something caused the psionic gate to activate and overload, I do not know how but the overload pulled us through the void, it'll take some time before I can pinpoint our exact position"

"Very Well, hopefully we're not in any trouble"

After the alert was lifted, Central walked up the bridge, gazing out the window to find a pure, white landscape, far as the eye could see with the darkened image of a castle quite far away, maybe a few kilometres out.

Suddenly, the eerie silence that briefly occupied the bridge was slightly offset by a sound, it was faint but everyone could definitely hear, it sounded like a creature, but like nothing either of earth or whatever ADVENT possessed, Central uttered in the speaker:

"Shen, Don't bother, wherever we are, this place isn't Earth"

To be Continued...

/r/whowouldwin Thread