In response to the many questions about "How to get a guy to stop talking to me" and "How to get out of a date", here's a simple solution:

Actually I think offending you would give me a moral disadvantage.

Not even close. By pretending it's all about "muh feels" you get to play the "poor lickle privileged menz" card... exactly as you already tried to do:

I should feel sorry for all the poor, poor men who are coming to one of the few places in existence where a woman can speak freely and are getting their feefees hurt?

No, of course you shouldn't. And you don't have to. Because that's no what I'm saying, despite the fact you keep responding as if I had.

I'm just tired of men like yourself coming in and trying to control the conversation and inject "wat about da menz feefees" into everything.

With respect, I've already explained several times that that's not what I'm trying to do. I don't know how to make it any clearer than "that's not that I said - here is what I said...".

My feelings are not hurt - in fact they're completely irrelevant to the point I was making - that your claim was unreasonable and factually inaccurate.

I'm not "what about the mens"ing, nor am I trying to get you to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

I'm just trying to get you to either support what looks like blatantly inaccurate and ridiculous stereotyping of 50% of humanity, or acknowledge that it was hyperbole and rhetoric and you don't really believe that most or all men would aggressively pursue.

I don't mind which you choose (though the first one would certainly be eye-opening for me if you can seriously support it), but I do think it's important that people shouldn't just be able to throw out any old claim (no matter how ridiculous) without either clarifying what they mean or being asked to support it.

I'm even open to the idea that a majority of the type of men who approach women on the street might not take "no" for an answer, but when I asked if that's what you meant and explicitly offered you the chance to clarify, you instead decided to simply get sarcastic and obnoxious again instead of constructively answering.

(Protip: If the answer's "yes" then you could have just said that, I would have agreed and you needn't have wasted both our time for the last few comments).

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