The response of a normal person vs. the response of someone with BPD, aka "Why people with BPD can be so difficult to interact with.

My partner farts constantly on purpose. He squats down or lifts his leg or any other manner of gross behavior and purposefully forces farts out.

I’ve mentioned how disgusting I feel this behavior is countless times. I’ve told him I don’t think it’s funny in the slightest, that I hate it, etc.

Still does it. All day long. I fucking hate it.

Tonight he did it and then stood there grinning at me and making sexual advances. I said “No. You just ripped massive ass and I’m not finding you attractive.”

His response? “Thanks. I guess I knew you felt that way all along.” Then he went into his room and shut the door.

This is a BPD reaction.

Anyone else would understand

a) that your childish and disgusting behavior isn’t funny and needs to stop

b) to respect your partner’s wishes

c) that a joke isn’t funny when you tell it fifteen times a day for 2 years

d) that I clearly meant his stupid gross farts don’t make me want to fuck him?

Instead, my partner has figured out none of these things and taken my comment to the furthest reaches possible, which is understood as “I have never ever been attracted to you.”

They don’t make any damn sense. People with BPD are the craziest out of all the neurodivergent folks.

Don’t try to understand them. They don’t make any fuckin sense. Just run away.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread