In response to the post suggesting Murphy's bill to de-police schools would make students less safe, I present the results of Florida putting police in every school in response to Parkland:

kids should not have to fear police officers it’s the fear installed by bad cops and media that make a cops presence feel wrong. Just because a police officer is present does not make a school a prison or anything like prison. Over 90k kids per day are screened by metal detectors across schools in NYC. The record amount so far in one year was 712 weapons recovered. That alone is just in NYC with some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

How many mass shootings do you think that has prevented? I don’t even want to know the possibility’s. But the fact is that is countless children who’s lives have been saved because NYC simply added officers and metal detectors. I don’t agree this is what it should be like at schools at all it sucks. But at least having officers in schools would help a lot. My school growing up had a cop who carried his gun and he became friends with every student it was a great experience.

If kids can’t have protection at schools. Why do adults deserve protection at Events that require getting scanned with a wand or patted down. and events that have multiple officers even if it is something simple as a small fair ground. why do adults get the protection. But kids can’t.

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