Is the "response time" thing in texting real?

but you’ve stated that the expectation of a reasonable response window of around 6 hours (half a day) is “utterly ridiculous.” Which I find utterly ridiculous.

Nope, I said your statement that 'anyone taking longer than 6 hours to reply you is rude' is 'utterly ridiculous'. Saying it's reasonable is different. I also think speedy replies are reasonable and expected, for the most part, not without exception.

The idea that anyone is so busy that taking 2-5 seconds to reply “sure sounds good” or “let me get back to you” is a misallocation of time usage is rooted in this growing sense of self-absorbed entitlement and moronic image projection (“I’m a busy person, I’m in demand, so I don’t have time to reply”) that really is what makes dating such a chore these days.

I feel like we'll go in circles where you keep referring to texting as only being valid for one word answers with scheduling. Perhaps the entire world isn't doing exclusively that? And I've stated enough times now that that is NOT the scenario I'm referring to.

At this point I'm convinced you're hard of understanding, when we're both agreeing on that one point...

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