Rest in peace Etika

Yes exactly! I agree so much.

You're always labeled and kind of rated by your surroundings. In Switzerland there is a semi-famous ethologist/behaviourist and she is always releasing papers with headlines like "there are too many dumb children in high school" and stuff like that.

When I suggested one of my ex girlfriends to visit a psychologist to work on her personal problem she told me "I'm not sick - I'm not mentally ill what are you on about?" and I just told her that there is nothing wrong with visiting a psychologist if it helps you. It's not bad to be 'sick' - it does not mather at all to be honest (what others think about that) in the end.

And as you said I wish media was catching up on it and there would be some discussion in our society (especially in asia if I might say so). This is troubing and I'm concerned about the future if the Social Media trend and its pressures continue.

And holy shit I did not intend to write this much - sorry.

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