A “Retail Purge” will be carried out from 9:00am to 9:00pm. For one day, employees will be able to do and say anything they want to customers or management without consequences as long as they’re on company grounds. Customers, do you dare to shop? Retail workers, what do you decide to do that day?

Yes sir, worked in the meat department for shitty ole Sam's Club for a while and a month after starting our team lead had to get carpal tunnel surgery and was out for 4 months. Apparently, he was the only one in the entire store who knew how to manage the department. The fresh department manager, the person above him, didn't know what the hell she was doing.

We were in the red the entire time, she even told me this. I think at one point we were like 12k in the red, and I got written up twice within that 4 month timeframe.. I had worked with Wal-Mart 2 years before that with 0 write ups and always had good evaluations.

City with 50k population, next closest Sam's was 45 minutes away so it was always insane foot traffic. They had 3 of us working in there that were basically just winging it, trying to figure things out ourselves because there was no one with experience, BECAUSE I'm sure they treated all the people with experience like shit and they ended up quitting. We had to give it 110% 24/7. I mean, literally running around like headless chickens to get things out or take orders. Fucking brutal, and then to go through all that, doing your best job, just to get 2 write ups. That was like smearing my nose in the dirt. Fucking bullshit. Ending up transfering to another position, but it just continued to be rocky from there and they ended up firing me. I blame it on just completely shitty store management. That's all management knows how to do. They just pass off the blame from themselves onto innocent employees to cover their own asses. Never working retail again or giving Sam's Club my business.

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